
General Information

Full Name M Hilal Yahya Hidayat
Date of Birth 31th October 2000
Languages Indonesian, English


  • 2019
    Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia
    • Electrical Engineering, majoring in Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Control System, and Robotics


  • 2022
    Hardware Engineer
    PT. Stechoq Robotika Indonesia
    • Developing Firmware and ROS Based Navigation System for Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR)
  • 2021
    Electric Drive Research and Development Intern
    PT. Lentera Bumi Nusantara
    • Asisting the development of 3kW Permanent Magnet Synchrounous Motor for Electric Vehicle Application.
  • 2019-now
    Electrical Engineer
    Garuda UNY Team

Honors and Awards

  • Dec, 2021
    3rd Place for Shell Eco Marathon - Future Rider
  • Jul, 2021
    3rd Place for PLN ICE Electric Vehicle Design Competition
  • Feb, 2021
    Shell Autononous Programming Competition 2021
  • Dec, 2020
    Top Teams Asia-Middle East Region for Electric Mobillity Challenge
  • Dec, 2020
    3rd Place Global for Adobe Digital Literacy Award